Why You Shouldn’t Trust a Senior Engineer (And Other Life Lessons)

March 22, 2022

5 min read

👀 10

Let’s start with a harsh truth: senior engineers aren’t gods. Sure, they’ve got experience, a LinkedIn profile full of impressive-sounding job titles, and an ability to navigate JIRA like it’s a second language. But that doesn’t mean everything they say should be taken as gospel. In fact, sometimes it’s a good idea to take their advice with a grain of salt (or maybe a whole salt shaker). Why? Because, like everyone else, senior engineers are human. They make mistakes, have biases, and sometimes even—brace yourself—don’t know what they’re talking about. Here’s why you should think twice before blindly following the advice of that all-knowing senior engineer.

1. Experience Can Breed Overconfidence: The “Been There, Done That” Syndrome

Senior engineers often have years of experience under their belts, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they’ve seen a lot and probably have a few war stories that could make your head spin. On the other hand, that same experience can make them overconfident. Just because they’ve seen a particular problem before doesn’t mean the same solution will work again. Technology evolves, best practices change, and what worked five years ago might be a terrible idea today. The “been there, done that” attitude can sometimes lead to a resistance to new ideas and innovations. After all, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? But in the world of tech, if you’re not fixing or improving, you’re falling behind.

2. They’re Not Always Up-to-Date: The “Stuck in Their Ways” Problem

Tech moves fast—like, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fast. What’s cutting edge today might be obsolete tomorrow. Senior engineers often get so bogged down in management tasks, meetings, and code reviews that they don’t have time to keep up with the latest trends and tools. They might still be recommending tools or frameworks that were the industry standard five years ago but have since been replaced by something better, faster, or more efficient. The problem is, new engineers might take their word as law and miss out on learning the latest and greatest because the senior engineer hasn’t had time to catch up.

3. They Can Be Biased: The “My Way is the Best Way” Mindset

Every senior engineer has a preferred way of doing things. Maybe they’re die-hard fans of a particular programming language or framework, or they swear by a certain development methodology. That’s fine—everyone has preferences. But sometimes, those preferences come with a bias that can cloud judgment. A senior engineer might push for their favorite technology, not because it’s the best fit for the project, but because it’s what they’re most comfortable with. This bias can lead to decisions that are more about personal preference than what’s actually best for the team or the project. Just because a senior engineer is advocating for a certain approach doesn’t mean it’s the right one. It’s important to question and challenge their choices to ensure they’re not just falling back on old habits.

4. They Can Be Resistant to Change: The “If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” Philosophy

Change is hard, and as people get more experienced, they tend to become more set in their ways. Senior engineers might resist new technologies, methodologies, or ways of working simply because they’re different from what they’re used to. The “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality can lead to a stagnant environment where innovation is stifled. It’s crucial to remember that just because something works doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it. The tech industry is all about evolution and continuous improvement. Sticking to the same old methods can prevent a team from growing and adapting to new challenges.

5. They Might Not Have All the Answers: The “Imposter Syndrome” Irony

Believe it or not, even the most seasoned senior engineers can suffer from imposter syndrome. The difference is, they’ve learned how to mask it better. Just because someone is a senior doesn’t mean they know everything. They might give advice or make decisions based on incomplete information or a misunderstanding of the problem at hand. The irony is that while junior engineers might assume seniors have all the answers, seniors are sometimes just as clueless but better at hiding it. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to question decisions, ask for clarification, and challenge assumptions—even if they’re coming from someone with more experience.

6. They Can Get Overwhelmed: The “Too Many Hats” Dilemma

Senior engineers often wear a lot of hats. They’re expected to code, review others’ code, mentor junior developers, attend countless meetings, and sometimes even handle project management tasks. With so many responsibilities, it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. They might not have the time to dive deep into a problem or think through a solution as thoroughly as they should. As a result, their advice might be rushed, based on incomplete information, or simply wrong. It’s not because they don’t know what they’re doing—it’s because they’re juggling too many things at once.

7. They Can Be Wrong: The “Fallibility of Humans” Reality Check

Let’s not sugarcoat it—senior engineers can be wrong. Just like everyone else, they’re human. They make mistakes, misjudge situations, and sometimes have no idea what’s going on. The difference is that their seniority might make others less likely to question them, leading to problems going unnoticed or unaddressed. It’s crucial to create an environment where it’s okay to question and challenge, regardless of who’s giving the advice. A healthy engineering team is one where ideas are judged on their merit, not on the seniority of the person who proposed them.

Conclusion: Trust, But Verify

Don’t get me wrong—senior engineers are valuable. They bring experience, knowledge, and perspective that can be incredibly beneficial to a team. But that doesn’t mean they’re infallible. The key is to trust, but verify. Take their advice, listen to their experience, but don’t be afraid to question, challenge, and think for yourself. Remember, even the most seasoned professionals have room to learn and grow. So, the next time a senior engineer gives you advice, take a step back, consider it critically, and make sure it’s the right fit for you and your project. After all, two heads are better than one—but only if both are engaged, open-minded, and willing to learn from each other.